What happens if you Exfoliate your Face too much?

The most common skin concern that we have noticed in 95% of our clients is called a skin barrier dysfunction! To simplify the explanation of a skin barrier, visualize it as a shield on your skin. Your skin is protected with lipids (fats) to hold moisture and reduce trans epidermal water loss (we will go in more detail about this in another upcoming blog). A skin barrier dysfunction is when the skin barrier becomes compromised and begins to form atopic dermatitis; a condition that makes your skin red, irritated, textured, and blotchy!

How do you know if your skin barrier is damaged?

Most people do not realize they have a skin barrier dysfunction. So, how do you know if your skin barrier is damaged? 

Let’s take a look at your skin:

  • Do you exfoliate more than 2 times a week?

  • Does the majority of your daily skincare (example cleanser, toner and serum or cleanser and serum) contain active acids such as BHA/AHA, glycolic acid and/or lactic acid? 

  • Is your skin constantly red?

  • Does your skin feel tender to the touch?

  • Is your skin sensitive?

  • Do you experience excessive breakouts?

  • Do you have eczema?

  • Does your skin feel textured/ ruff? 

  • Is your skin blotchy?

  • Does your skin burn when you apply your skincare?

  • Do you wash your face in the morning and at night time?

If you have answered yes to any of these questions you may be struggling with a skin barrier dysfunction! 

What weakens the skin barrier?

There are a few factors that weaken the skin barrier such as genetics and age but the number one cause of weakened skin barrier is over exfoliating. 

What does exfoliating mean? 

Exfoliation is when you remove dead skin cells from your skin by a chemical, physical or exfoliating tool. Generally, you should only be exfoliating 1-2 times a week but nowadays, many skincare products contain exfoliating ingredients. 

For example; your daily toner may have glycolic acid and/or your cleanser may have salicylic acid! If this is the case you are exfoliating everyday which means you are over exfoliating. 

What happens if you exfoliate your face too much?

Your skin will progressively become more sensitive, red, textured and ultimately result in a skin barrier dysfunction! 

*This will also cause your skin to age quicker*

How do you fix skin barrier damage?

Consistency is key. Choose repairing products and stick to it. If you’ve been focussing on using acne products, it’s time to switch over to something more hydrating.

Many people don’t realize that their products are filled with hidden acids and harsh ingredients that may be compromising their skin barrier. Take a look at the ingredients lists of your products and cut out anything using strong actives, including niacinamide!

In order to fix skin barrier damage you need to stick to a restorative and hydrating routine. Using multiple products containing multiple active ingredients won’t give your skin a chance to repair itself. 

Make sure that you’re using SPF every morning.

Does vitamin C help repair skin barrier?

Yes! Vitamin C is amazing to repair and strengthen the skin. However, some Vitamin C derivatives are very strong which can lead to irritation.

How long does it take to repair damaged skin barrier?

It’s different for everyone. For those of you that struggle with a skin condition such as rosacea, eczema, or acne, this will be an ongoing battle which means that you need to focus on your at home skincare routine! Whereas others may be struggling with a compromised skin barrier temporarily and will be able to repair it over a couple of weeks to a few months.

Still need help figure out your skincare routine?

Here are some product recommendations to help repair your skins natural barrier function!

Remember if you want to start a full new skincare routine we offer a fully customized skincare routine! 

For more details click here. 

Examples of a skin barrier dysfunction:

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What happens if you exfoliate your face too much_ (6).jpg

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